Thursday, October 14, 2010

Starry Night

Staring up at a starry night, into this vast space that goes on forever. It makes me feel so small and powerless. When it's just me, the sky, and these billions of stars. I begin to feel alone and in turn start to delve deep into myself. At this exact moment, all scars are open and all insecurities become alive and loud. At this point, I go deeper into my being, somewhere never gone before. Nothing makes sense, but yet I begin to understand everything. I am fully exposed to myself. Under this blanket of stars, I feel safe and alone at the same time. Is that possible? I begin to question anything and everything. Clarity doesn't come the first time, or even the second. But it does open up something deep down inside. Something inside is awoken and I begin to feel. Feeling everything. Raw emotion. Maybe tonight it's anger, or happiness, or love. Emotions so strong, they could only be found in a place so personal, yet so open. My very own starry night. Staring off into a space that is never-ending. In this vast never-ending space, I find myself. I am forced to face my fears, and doubts, and confusion. Everything begins to come together. Like the billions of masses in space coming together and forming this amazing and unbelievable sky. Clarity. Content. Calm.

Amidst the chaos, there is peace.

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